Normal maximal and minimal motor nerve conduction velocities in adults determined by a collision method

Using a new collision method, we measured motor nerve conduction velocities of the ulnar nerve in the forearm and the action potential amplitude of the abductor digit minimi muscle on 60 adults, ages 20 to 82 years and apparently free from diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Both maximal and minimal motor nerve conduction velocities were linear functions of age; 64.42 – 0.05 age and 60.45 – 0.12 age, respectively. The percentage of the minimal to the maximal motor nerve conduction velocities was expressed as 94.45 – 0.13 age. The maximum amplitude of evoked muscle action potentials was also correlated with age. This novel method may be useful in detecting pathology of motor nerve fibers which results in a decrease in submaximal conduction velocities.