Influence of extracellur Ca2+ on endogenous Cl? channels in Xenopus oocytes

Removal of Ca2+ from the external bath solution evoked marked depolarization and large currents (up to several microamperes) in voltage-clamped defolliculated oocytes of Xenopus laevis. The resulting current was not carried by a cation influx but was due to a huge Cl efflux, which could be strongly inhibited by the Cl channel blockers flufenamic acid and niflumic acid. Removal of Mg2+ or Ba2+ from the solutions had the same effects as removing Ca2+. The reversal potential of −12 mV also indicated that Cl channels were responsible for the large currents. Patch-clamp studies revealed a single-channel slope conductance of 90 pS. During oocyte maturation these channels remained active. The half-maximal Ca2+ concentration of about 20 μM showed that quite low doses of extracellular Ca2+ profoundly influence the electrical properties of the oocyte membrane.