Resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) of nonaromatic peptides is studied with the use of CBZ-derivatization as a means of providing an absorbing aromatic center in the near-UV region at 266 nm. The peptides are then vaporized with a pulsed laser-induced desorption method, with subsequent entrainment of the desorbed neutral species into a supersonic expansion. The CBZ-derivatized peptides are then ionized and mass analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The resulting R2PI/MPI-induced fragmentation-ionization patterns generally yield the molecular ion as well as fragments due to specific bond cleavages which are characteristic of the structure of the peptide. Thus, the resulting mass spectra can be used for identification and structural analysis of these small peptides. Most significantly, the laser-induced fragmentation can be used to distinguish between isomeric peptides containing Ile, Leu, or Nle.