Sequence of morphological alterations in the nervous system of metachromatic leucodystrophy

Light and electronmicroscopic findings are reported in a case of metachromatic leukodystrophy diagnosed prenatally who died after iatrogenic abortion during the 23th week of gestation. The brain of this foetus was not yet myelinated while the spinal cord showed early, and the peripheral nerves advanced myelination. The onset and the degree of myelination were similar as in a normal foetus of the same age. Ultrastructurally there was evidence of sulphatide storage before the beginning of myelination. During myelination lysosomal storage material, staining metachromatically in acid cresyl violet preparations, appeared in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. Besides sulphatide storage material, prominent amounts of neutral lipids were found in oligodendrocytes. Myelin breakdown was encountered very seldom.