Early experience of double-lung transplantation with bronchial artery revascularization using mammary artery

En-bloc double-lung transplantation with tracheal and bronchialrevascularization using the left internal mammary artery has been performedin 14 Danish patients. Primary healing of the tracheal anastomosis wasobserved in 12 patients, in 10 of whom a successful revascularization hasbeen verified by angiography. Two patients have been operated recently andnot yet examined by angiography. Mucosal necrosis and subsequentdevelopment of bronchial stenosis had to be treated by left-sidedpneumonectomy in two patients with failed revascularization. All patientswere early survivors (1-14 months). We conclude that bronchialrevascularization with the internal mammary artery is possible with anacceptable success rate and is associated with primary healing of thetracheal anastomosis. The impact on long- term results remains to beseen.

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