A Physician Fitness Program: Enhancing the Physician as an "Exercise" Role Model for Patients

Background: Physically active physicians are more apt to counsel patients about exercise. Purposes: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a physician fitness program on resident physician cardiovascular fitness, physical activity behavior/stage of change, and physical activity counseling behavior/attitudes. Methods: A prospective, intervention study with measurements at baseline (before intervention), 3 months (immediately after intervention), and 6 months (3 months after intervention) evaluated a multifaceted exercise program for 48 internal medicine residents. Resident physician cardiovascular fitness, energy expenditure, physical activity stage of change, knowledge, attitudes, and counseling behavior were measured. Results: Resident physician fitness significantly declined over time (baseline VO2-170 = 29.1 ml/kg/min, first follow-up VO2-170 = 27.3 ml/kg/min, and second follow-up VO2-170 = 26.2 ml/kg/min; p =. 001). Although there was no change in overall energy expenditure, the numb...