Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibilities of V-Nb Alloys

Nuclear-magnetic-resonance properties of the V51 and Nb93 isotopes and magnetic susceptibilities are reported for V-Nb alloys. The magnetic susceptibility of V-Nb alloys decreases from 287 × 106 emu/mole for pure V to 225 × 106 emu/mole at 90 at.% Nb. The values of the square root of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (T1T)12 increase from pure V with increasing Nb concentration; (T1T)12=1.12 (sec°K)1/2 for V and (T1T)12=1.55 (sec°K)1/2 for the V-90 at.% Nb alloy. The V51 Knight shift increases from 0.564% in pure V to 0.602% in the 60 at.% Nb alloy, and then decreases slightly with increasing Nb concentration. The Nb93 Knight shift decreases from 0.821% in pure Nb to 0.688% in the 30 at.% Nb alloy, and then increases with increasing V content. The results are compared with that of other V and Nb transitionmetal alloys. It is found that the simple rigid-band model is inadequate to interpret the composition dependence of the NMR and susceptibility data.