Energy dependence of theC12(p,π+)13C/emph>reaction in the region of theΔ1232resonance

Differential cross sections for the C12(p,π+ )13 C* reaction at Tp=250, 354, and 489 MeV are presented and compared with previously published data taken at other energies in the Δ1232 resonance region. At fixed four momentum transfers greater than 0.4 GeV2/c2, the differential cross sections exhibit a maximum near the invariant mass of the Δ1232. This energy dependence is similar to that shown by the pp→dπ+ reaction at equivalent energy, and provides strong evidence of a NN→NNπ+ process in the (p,π+) reaction mechanism. The total cross section for each transition exhibits a maximum at an energy about 100 MeV lower than that expected from the Δ1232 invariant mass. This energy dependence could be the result of an interplay between the increase in cross section due to the role of the Δ1232 in the (p,π+) reaction mechanism, and the decrease in cross section due to the large momentum transfers that the reaction is restricted to at higher energies.