Pressure pain thresholds and thermal nociceptive thresholds in chronic tension-type headache

The nociceptive thresholds to mechanical and thermal stimuli in patients with chronic tension-type headache were compared. Palpation of pericranial tenderness was performed in 50 patients and a total tenderness score (TTS) was calculated. Palpation was repeated, and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were determined with a pressure algometer in the temporal and occipital regions. In 32 of the patients, pain thresholds for heat and cold and limens for detection of non-painful temperature changes were determined in the hands and the temporal regions. Twenty-four healthy volunteers served as controls. Scores obtained by manual palpation (TTS) at the first and second visit were positively correlated. A negative correlation between headache severity and PPT was found in the temporal region. A positive correlation between PPT in the temporal and occipital region was found, and PPT and TTS were negatively correlated. Thermal pain thresholds were consistently less extreme in patients compared to controls, and patients reporting severe headache on the examination day were those most sensitive to thermal pain. No difference was found between patients and controls with respect to detection of temperature changes. A correlation was found between PPT and the corresponding cold pain thresholds, but no correlation could be demonstrated between TTS and thermal pain thresholds. In conclusion, headache patients had decreased pain perception thresholds. Chronic tension-type headache might be a result of dysmodulation of nociceptive impulses, but it is likely that sensitized nociceptors also play a role.