Effects of YM-14673 (Nα-[{(S)-4-oxo-2-azetidinyl}-carbonyl]-l-histidyl-l-prolinamide dihydrate), a new TRH derivative, on reserpine-induced behavioural and electroencephalographic changes were observed in comparison with those of TRH. YM-14673 antagonized reserpine-induced hypothermia and decrease in convulsion threshold in mice. The number of PGO waves recorded from the lateral geniculate body was decreased by administration of YM-14673 in reserpinized cats. The anti-reserpine activity of intravenous YM-14673 was about 8–20 times more potent than that of TRH. In inhibiting reserpine-induced hypothermia, the oral ED2°C relative to IV ED2°C as an indirect indication of absorption rate of the drugs was 15 for both YM-14673 and TRH. These results suggest that YM-14673 possesses more potent facilitatory effects on the central monoamine systems than TRH.