Immersion Fixation Methods for Glycol Methacrylate-embedded Testes

Routine processing of testicular tissue through 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) into paraffin produces severe cellular shrinkage which obscures most of the morphologic detail. The following studies were performed to compare different combinations of immersion fixatives and embedding media for optimal cellular detail in the final histologic sections. We examined sections of testes from rats, mice, and rabbits fixed in either NBF, Bouin's, Zenker's, or Helly's fixatives, and embedded in either standard paraffin or glycol methacrylate. The results were similar in all 3 species. In paraffin, Bouin's or Helly's fixatives produced the fewest artifacts, while in glycol methacrylate, NBF-fixed tissue showed the greatest intracellular detail and preservation. The merits and limitations of each method are discussed for the rat, with exceptions for the other species noted where appropriate. The use of glycol methacrylate as the support medium for sectioning makes high-quality tissue sections available from formalin-fixed testes.