A general expression is derived for the relative partial cross sections for formation of fine structure states in the photoionization of open-shell atoms. The expression is particularized to the cases of chalcogen and pnicogen atoms. By utilizing spectroscopic parameters, branching ratios from photoionization of the ground state, or other components of the lowest configuration, are predicted. New experimental data on atomic tellurium are reported, and compared with predicted branching ratios. The good agreement provides support for the calculational method, since this element is best characterized by intermediate coupling, and the intensities depart significantly from L–S based statistical weights. The comparative study of the pnicogen atoms is less revealing. Most of the intensity is concentrated in the triad 3P0,1,2, where experimental data suffer from limited resolution. A weak 1D2 peak is predicted for bismuth, where it has been observed, and for antimony, for which the relevant data are not yet available.