Mutant of avian erythroblastosis virus defective for erythroblast transformation: deletion in the erb portion of p75 suggests function of the protein in leukemogenesis.

Previous studies have shown that td359 AEV, a mutant of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV), is unable to transform erythroblasts in vitro or in vivo but is capable of transforming fibroblasts in vitro and of causing sarcomas in chicks. In this paper we show that the mutant synthesizes a gag-gene related protein (delta p75) which is about 1000 daltons smaller than the protein, p75, induced by wild-type AEV. The mutant protein lacks 3 of the approximately 53 lysine-arginine tryptic peptides resolved in p75 and also contains an additional peptide. By cleavage of delta p75 with p15 protease and analysis of the fragments for size and peptide composition, the deletion in delta p75 could be located in the non-gag region of the molecule. In contrast, with p40 AEV, a second AEV-specific protein synthesized in in vitro translation experiments, there is no change in size of translation products obtained from td359 AEV RNA. Our data provide direct evidence that p75 is required for erythroblast transformation.