Cystometrical and in Vitro Evaluation of Urinary Bladder Function in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes

Micturition pattern and cystometric characteristics were determined in control rts, and in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes (six weeks duration). The diabetic rats had an increased frequency of micturition, an increased micturition volume, and an increased 24 hr. urinary output. The cystometry showed that the diabetic bladders had an increased compliance and a higher threshold volume for initating a micturition reflex. No spontaneous rhythmic contractions were seen during the filling phase, and no residual urine could be detected. While micturition pressure increased, the micturition time was virtually unaltered. In vitro a right-ward shift for passive and active length-tension relations were noted. The observed changes in cystometric characteristics and length-tension relations might probably be explained on the basis of adaptive changes to the increased diuresis involving both sensory and motor control of the urinary bladder.