Summary To evaluate the three-dimensional pathology of lumbar primary sensory neurons in p-bromophenylacetylurea intoxication, the number and size distribution of neurons and of myelinated fibers were evaluated at the L-6 spinal ganglion level and at proximal and distal levels of sural nerve and thoracic (proximal) and cervical (distal) levels of Goll's tract, respectively, 2 and 6 weeks after the intoxication in rats. The number and size distribution of ganglion neuron cell bodies were not significantly different between intoxicated and control rats. The distal level of sural nerve had, significantly fewer large myelinated fibers than did control, and a significantly higher frequency of fibers undergoing degeneration. Proximal levels of sural nerve showed similar, but less severe changes. Similarly, the myelinated fibers of Goll's tract were significantly more affected at cervical than at thoracic level. Therefore, by morphometric criteria both centrally and peripherally directed myelinated fibers are most affected distally and less affected proximally while neuron cell bodies are not affected at all. These three-imensional morphological changes must be taken into consideration in formulating possible mechanisms for the development of this neuropathy.