Spin correlation and spin gap in quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 cuprate oxides: ACu63NMR study

The Cu-NMR nuclear relaxation rate, 63(1/T1) and Gaussian spin-echo decay rate, 63(1/T2G) have been measured in order to investigate the low-energy spin dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic (AF) cuprates such as Ca2 CuO3 with single chain, SrCuO2 at ambient pressure (AP) with zigzag chain coupled by weak ferromagnetic exchange interaction, SrCu2 O3 and Sr2 Cu3 O5 comprising of two- and three-leg ladder, respectively with isotropic AF exchange interaction along and between chains. In Ca2 CuO3, 1/T1 stays constantly close to the 3D magnetic ordering temperature, TN∼10 K, dominated by dissipation of overdamped spinons gas as shown theoretically by Sachdev. By contrast, in AP-SrCuO2, 1/T1 below around 100 K decreases markedly down to the 3D magnetic ordering temperature, TN∼3 K, providing a signature that the frustrated ferromagnetic interaction between CuO zigzag chains makes the spin gap open. In the spin-1/2 ladder compounds of SrCu2 O3 and Sr2 Cu3 O5 consisting of two- and three-leg, respectively, the former was demonstrated in the literatures to have the spin gap amounting to a half of AF exchange constant, J/2 where J=1300 K. For the latter, on the other hand, the magnetic coherence length, ξ(T) grows up according to ξ(T)∼1/(T-θ) and as a result, the magnetic ordering emerges around 50–60 K accompanying the divergence of 1/T1.