At present, investigations on the chemical composition of meteoritic matter are being made in two directions: 1) the determination of the main constituents of meteorites of different classes. (A generalization of these data led to the classification of meteorites depending on their chemical composition); 2) the determination of all the element contents including small admixtures in meteoritic matter according to their phases: metallic, silicate, and also in accessory minerals. A review of all data on the composition of meteorites ensures the systematic study of their mineral content, structure and other properties and makes possible a closer approach to the solution of their origin. As a result of a critical review of existing general investigations and separate data concerning the contents of the basic constituents of meteorites, the composition of each subclass divided into families according to groups is given in the tables. Changes in the composition of_meteorites of each group while passing from one subclass to another are clearly seen in the tables, and this allows an opinion to be formed on the laminated planetary bodies from which the meteorites were formed. The contents of all the chemical elements found in meteoritic matter are given in tables. The results of recently published works have been taken into account, and old data have been reconsidered. -- from English supplement to Meteoritika.