Sperm structure and spermiogenesis inAtelura formicariaHeyden (Zygentoma, Insecta)

The spermatozoon ofAtelura formicaria(Zygentoma) shows several features that are typical of insects: an apical acrosome, an elongated dense nucleus, a centriole with expanded centriolar adjunct material, two large mitochondrial derivatives, and two thin accessory bodies located beneath the nucleus. The axoneme exhibits a 9 + 9 + 2 pattern with accessory tubules formed by 16 protofilaments and intertubular material. However, spermatozoa ofA. formicariashow some remarkable features. The sperm cell is short for an insect, being only 50 µm in length. The nucleus is characterized by the presence of two lateral grooves which are filled with numerous infoldings of the nuclear envelope. In a cross‐section the chromatin has the configuration of the Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian man’. Each mitochondrial derivative has a peculiar structure with peripheral cristae and four crystalline bodies in its matrix; two of these crystalline bodies are large and have differently orientated cristal planes. At the end of spermiogenesis, sperm bundles are stored in the proximal part of the testes. Secretions from the epithelial wall of this region give rise to large globular structures. These include sperm bundles intermingled with dense granules, forming the so called ‘spermatolophids’. These formations descend along the deferent duct and are stored in the expanded seminal vesicle.Ateluraspermatozoa do not pair as in some Lepismatidae, nor do they fuse as inTricholepidion(Lepidotrichidae). Thus, sperm aggregation in Zygentoma is realized according to different modalities and can hardly be considered as a synapomorphic trait of its subtaxa.