Sweat nitrogen losses by and nitrogen balance of preadolescent girls consuming three levels of dietary protein

A nitrogen balance study was undertaken to determine the effects of three levels of nitrogen intake on the loss of nitrogen through sweat and to assess the impact of sweat nitrogen on the protein needs of preadolescent girls. Values were determined through the collection of 24-hour, total body sweat samples from 15 healthy girls with a mean age of 8 years, 7 months. Mean height and weight of the subjects were 132 cm and 28.9 kg, respectively. Mean sweat nitrogen losses, collected under uncontrolled environmental conditions, were 201 mg, 263 mg and 319 mg/day on 34 g, 57 g and 88 g of protein intake. The environmental conditions throughout the study remained fairly constant. Mean nitrogen balances per day were 0.04 g, 0.55 g and 1.42 g on the respective levels of nitrogen intake, with the inclusion of sweat nitrogen loss, however, a negative nitrogen balance per day was found in 8 and 2 subjects on 34 g and 57 g protein intake. After considering nitrogen retention of 0.3 g which has been recommended by NRC for the minimum nitrogen allowance for growth of preadolescent children, protein intakes higher than that recommended by the NRC-RDA for preadolescent girls may be required for support of normal growth.