The distribution of Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in a tidally mixed estuary was found to be concentrated in mid-estuary with animals extending, primarily in summer, further up and down estuary. Within this range there were distinct intra-specific differences in distribution, with males occurring more commonly down-estuary and ovigerous females and juveniles up-estuary. Examination of tidal abundances in mid-channel showed males to be more abundant on the ebb tide, corresponding with their more downstream distribution, and all other individuals to be present mainly on flood tides, which would maintain the species within the estuary. Endogenous circa-tidal swimming activity in this species was found to be phased after the time of expected high tide, which would suggest ebb tide swimming in the estuary. More detailed examination of the distribution of Neomysis across the width of the estuary showed greatest concentrations of animals in slow-flowing water at the edge of the channel during the ebb tide. The endogenous swimming rhythm may therefore act to prevent stranding of animals intertidally during the ebb tide, while maintenance of position along the estuary appears to be by flood tide swimming under exogenous control.