Summary: 1. A case of congenital cystic dilatation of the common bile duct is recorded.2. The article by Zinniger and Cash has been used as a basis for the present discussion. Most of their recorded cases have been reviewed, corrections have been made and material information has been added.3. A short presentation of the salient features of the condition has been made.4. A check review of the literature has been made in all cases in which it has been available, and the bibliography has been extended to include any articles met with since 1930.5. Twenty‐three additional cases have been included in the records.6. Reasons for the exclusion of Reel and Bun‐ell's case are given.7. The aetiology has been discussed and additions have been made to the suggested causes.8. In Table I the results of treatment have been recast and additions have been made.9. Results of treatment show that a primary eholedocho‐dnodenostomy is the operation of choice, but an adequate stoma must be provided.10. Drainage with secondary anatomosis may be a life‐saving measure in debilitated patients.11. The necessity for the administration of bile salts and vitaminKis noted during the period of drainage.12. A brief summary of 105 cases is listed.13. A full bibliography is appended.