Extracellular matrix mediated growth and differentiation in human pigment epithelial cell line 0041

Efforts to grow differentiated pigment epithelial cells have led to a characterization of the growth kinetics of spontaneously established, continuously growing, human retinal pigment epithelial (PE) cell line 0041 on several biomatrices. These substrates were prepared from (a) placental and amniotic membrane, (b) commercially available basement membrane matrix (Matrigel), (c) dishes coated with extracellular matrix secreted by endothelial cells (ECM), (d) dishes coated with collagen IV and/or laminin, (e) dishes coated with collagen I and/or fibronectin. Our findings suggest that tissue culture plastic and dishes coated with collagen IV alone promote higher cell densities, while highest plating efficiency (24 hrs) was seen on tissue culture plastic and Matrigel. The highest degree of differentiation (epithelioid appearance, apical villi and junctional complexes) was seen in cells plated on dishes coated with collagen IV and extracellular matrix secreted by endothelial cells. Cells were epithelioid and polarized on those two substrates; they expressed fine finger-shaped villi and the highest degree of cell contact (in the form of junctions). Cells grown on Matrigel looked like fibroblasts and became deeply pigmented; however, the nature of the pigment remains to be determined. Collagen IV and ECM coated dishes, therefore, are most suitable for cultures of human PE cell line 0041 because they provide higher cell densities while retaining the differentiated state. This is the first report where an established pigmented epithelial cell line has been induced to become differentiated by use of extracellular matrices and extracellular matrix components.