Lateralization of complex binaural stimuli: A weighted-image model

This article describes a new model that predicts the subjective lateral position of bandpass stimuli. It is assumed, as in other models, that stimuli are bandpass filtered and rectified, and that the rectified outputs of filters with matching center frequencies undergo interaural cross correlation. The model specifies and utilizes the shape and location of assumed patterns of neural activity that describe the cross‐correlation function. Individual modes of this function receive greater weighting if they are straighter (describing consistent interaural delay over frequency) and/or more central (describing interaural delays of smaller magnitude). This weighting of straightness and centrality is used by the model to predict the perceived laterality of several types of low‐frequency bandpass stimuli with interaural time delays and/or phase shifts, including bandpass noise, amplitude‐modulated stimuli with time‐delayed envelopes, and bandpass‐filtered clicks. This model is compared to other theories that describe lateralization in terms of the relative contributions of information in the envelopes and fine structures of binaural stimuli.

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