Chemical synthesis of a biologically active natural tRNA with its minor bases

The complete chemical synthesis of an E. coli tRNA(Ala) with its specific minor nucleosides, dihydrouridine, ribothymidine and pseudouridine, is reported. The method makes use of protected 2'-O-tertiobutyldimethylsilyl-ribonucleoside-3'-O-(2-cyanoethyl-N- ethyl-N- methyl)phosphoramidites. The exocyclic amino functions of the bases were protected by the phenoxyacetyl group for purines and acetyl for cytosine. The assembling has been performed on a silica support with coupling yield better than 98% within 2 min of condensation. Triethylamine tris-hydrofluoride allowed a clean and complete deprotection of the tBDMS groups. The synthetic tRNA(Ala) has been transcribed into cDNA by reverse transcriptase and sequenced. With E. coli alanyl-tRNA synthetase the alanyl acceptance activity and kcat/Km were 672 pmol/A260 and 6 x 10(4)M-1s-1, respectively.