The Ventral Pallidum and Hedonic Reward: Neurochemical Maps of Sucrose “Liking” and Food Intake

How are natural reward functions such as sucrose hedonic impact and the motivation to eat generated within the ventral pallidum (VP)? Here, we used a novel microinjection and functional mapping procedure to neuroanatomically localize and neurochemically characterize substrates in the VP that mediate increases in eating behavior and enhancements in taste hedonic “liking” reactions. The μ-opioid agonistd-Ala2-N-Me-Phe4-Glycol5-enkephalin (DAMGO) caused increased hedonic “liking” reactions to sucrose only in the posterior VP but conversely suppressed “liking” reactions in the anterior and central VP. DAMGO similarly stimulated eating behavior in the posterior and central VP and suppressed eating in the anterior VP. In contrast, the GABAAantagonist bicuculline increased eating behavior at all VP sites, yet completely failed to enhance sucrose “liking” reactions at any site. These results reveal that VP generation of increased food reward and increased eating behavior is related but dissociable. Hedonic “liking” and eating are systematically mapped in a neuroanatomically and neurochemically interactive manner in the VP.