Using an identity due to Percus [J. K. Percus, in The Equilibrium Theory of Classical Fluids, edited by H. L. Frisch and J. L. Lebowitz (Benjamin, New York, 1964)] implying a connection between the theories of nonuniform and uniform liquids, Kim and Jones [Soon-Chul Kim and Gerald L. Jones, preceding paper, Phys. Rev. A 41, 2222 (1990)] demonstrate that the modified weighted-density approximation for nonuniform liquids corresponds to the hypernetted-chain (HNC) approximation for uniform liquids. We point out that the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff density-functional theoryin its simplest formulation—also implies the HNC approximation, a feature of the theory previously observed by Barrat, Hansen, and Pastore [J. L. Barrat, J. P. Hansen, and G. Pastore, Mol. Phys. 63, 747 (1988)], and go further to discuss implications for approximations to the uniform liquid bridge function.