Cellular ‘neurothekeoma’: an epithelioid variant of pilar eiomyoma? Morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of a series

Cellular neurothekeoma is a recently recognized benign cutaneous neoplasm, which is currently regarded as being of nerve sheath origin and is thought to represent a variant of conventional neurothekeoma (dermal nerve sheath myxoma). Nine new cases presenting predominantly in adolescents or young adults are described. Morphologically they were characterized by short fascicles or small nests of palely eosinophilic epithelioid or spindle‐shaped cells which ramified in an ill‐defined manner between dermal collagen bundles. Myxoid matrix was absent or sparse. Scattered normal mitoses and multinucleate giant cells were often present. Immunohistochemically all nine cases were strongly NK1/C3 positive, seven were weakly NSE positive and three were smooth muscle actin positive. Staining for S‐100 protein, PGP 9.5, epithelial membrane antigen and desmin was negative in all cases. In view of its distinctive architecture and immunophenotype, both of which are totally different from conventional neurothekeoma, it is proposed that cellular ‘neurothekeoma’ is a separate discrete entity which may represent an epithelioid variant of pilar leiomyoma.