Light-mediated Oxygen Uptake Measured in Wheat Etioplasts

An in vitro O2 assay was used to measure early response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) etioplasts to light. A transient photoinducible O2 uptake occurred when dark-grown etioplasts were initially exposed to light. The rate of inducible O2 consumption was dependent on both the intensity of light and the quantity of organelle protein present. Higher light intensities resulted in greater O2 utilization per minute, and a greater quantity of organelle protein in the sample resulted in an increased rate of O2 uptake under the same light intensity conditions. Experiments with various plant tissues as well as with mitochondrial respiratory inhibitors indicated that etioplasts are the organelles responsible for the photoinduced O2 uptake phenomenon. A preliminary action spectrum study revealed that wavelengths 640 to 680 nm resulted in maximum O2 uptake. This indicated the presence of an etioplast red light receptor pigment which induces O2 uptake in etioplasts.