Has mortality from melanoma stopped rising in Australia? Analysis of trends between 1931 and 1994

Objective: To describe recent trends in mortality from melanoma in Australia. Design: An analysis of trends in age standardised and age and sex specific mortalities by year of death and median year of birth (cohort). Setting: Australia. Subjects: All deaths from melanoma registered in Australia between 1931 and 1994. Results: Melanoma mortality rose steadily from 1931 to 1985. From 1959 the annual rate of increase was 6.3% in men and 2.9% in women, resulting in mortalities of 4.82 and 2.51 per 100000 person years in 1985 and 1989, respectively. Mortalities for both sexes seem to have plateaued from June 1985 onwards. In 1990-4 the rate rose by 3.7% in men to 5.00 per 100000 and in women it fell by 5.2% to 2.38 per 100000. The non-significant increase after 1985 in mortality in men was restricted to those aged over 70 years of age, whereas the fall in rates in women was mostly in those aged under 55 years. This pattern was generally reflected in the state trends, though with some variation: rates for women in Queensland had peaked in the late 1970s; while rates for men in New South Wales continued to rise in 1990-4, placing them above those for Queensland. Examination of mortalities specific for age, period, and cohort for Australia as a whole showed several salient features. Rates in men rose steeply in cohorts born before about 1930; were stable in cohorts born between 1930 and 1950; and fell in more recent cohorts. Rates in women showed similar changes but about five years earlier. Conclusion: Melanoma mortality in Australia peaked in about 1985 and has now plateaued. On the basis of trends in cohorts it can be expected to fall in coming years. Key messages On the basis of cohort trends up to 1977 previ- ous analysis predicted that melanoma mortality would not reach its peak before 2010 Mortality, however, peaked in around 1985 and is now falling in women Variation in this trend between states underlines the need to evaluate the cost effectiveness of differ- ent strategies to promote early detection