Search Tactics of Insectivorous Birds Foraging in an Australian Eucalypt Forest

The different ways birds searched for food in an Australian Eucalyptus forest led them to detect and capture different kinds of prey. Five major searching modes were identified among 23 common, mostly insectivorous bird species. These were distinguished largely by the rates, distances, and angles moved by birds while foraging and by their prey-capture behavior. Some bird species typically moved slowly, visually examining substrates at relatively long distances, and then took flight to capture prey (e.g. whistlers, flycatchers, muscicapid robins, cuckoos). Others moved at more rapid rates and either gleaned small prey from nearby substrates (e.g. thornbills, treecreepers) or flushed insects that were then pursued (e.g. fantails). Two species (Eastern Shrike-Tit, Falcunculus frontatus; White-eared Honeyeater, Meliphaga leucotis) were specialized substrate-restricted searchers, seeking invertebrate and carbohydrate foods among the exfoliating bark of Eucalyptus. The search tactics of birds in this south temperate Australian forest were similar to those of birds in a north temperate forest in New Hampshire, USA, previously reported by Robinson and Holmes (1982). The differences in food-searching behavior between these phylogenetically distinct avifaunas (e.g. search flight and prey-attack flight lengths, hop/flight ratios, foraging rates) reflect the effects of unique foliage structures (e.g. spacing of branches, arrangements of leaves) and food resources at each site. These findings support the hypothesis that habitat structure and food availability provide opportunities and constraints on how birds search for and capture food in forest habitats. These in turn are postulated to affect the success of particular bird species exploiting those habitats and thus influence bird community patterns.