Z0+jets+pTevents as a signal for supersymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

We examine the processes pp¯g̃g̃, q̃g̃, and q̃q̃ at Fermilab Tevatron collider energies and find an observable signal for Z0+2 jets+missing pT events due to cascade and loop decays of squarks and gluinos. This signal occurs in a substantial region of the supersymmetric parameter space provided only that the Higgsino-mixing mass parameter is small. We evaluate several different standard-model backgrounds, and show that the signal (which can yield up to 25 events in the next Tevatron run) exceeds background for mq̃ or mg̃ as large as 200 GeV. Distributions which discriminate the supersymmetric signal from background are also shown.