Peptide group chemical shift computation

It has been found that protein NH protons on top of a peptide group plane experience large upfield conformation shifts. The joint analysis of this effect and other known effects of the peptide group on proton chemical shifts has led to a two‐term empirical expression for peptide group proton chemical shift computation as a function of protein backbone conformation. Both terms are expressed by McConnell's point‐dipole shielding expressions, one referred to an axis perpendicular to the peptide plane and origin in the coordinate centre of the OCN atoms and the other referred to an axis along the carbonyl bond and origin close to the oxygen atom. Values for the two constants have been determined by least‐squares fitting of the C‐α, H and amide NH chemical shifts of the protein ubiquitin. As a cross‐check on the validity of the expression, the C‐α, H and NH shifts of ribonuclease and BPTI (basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) have been computed. The general agreement between the observed and computed shifts and the correlation coefficients found (0.72 on average) indicate that the expression accounts for the main physical effects of the protein peptide group on the proton chemical shifts. It is shown that, together with ring current shifts, the expression explains the main characteristics of the C‐α, H and amide NH chemical shifts in proteins.