Spining in Galleria begins shortly after hatching and continues throughout larval life. The gland cells secrete continuously, irrespective of the act of spinning.The nucleus plays a direct and an importnat rôle in silk secretion by the migration of nucleoli into the cytoplasm, where they enlarge and synthesize a fatty material in the center; the fatty material is transformed into a non‐soluble basophllic substance, which then changes into the secretory product in its final form. The processes of converting the fat into non‐soluble substance and of converting the latter into the secretory product progress inwardly from the periphery of each secretory body. The secretory bodies or masses of secretory material break up into smaller and smaller masses and eventually into a fine dispersed state before their entrance into the lumen of the gland.The mitochondria are granular in the cells of the conductive portion and filamentous in those of the reservoir and secretory portions of the gland. In the secretory portion they are orientated with the long axis toward the gland lumen. Their rǒle in silk secretion is negligible or at most a minor one.The Golgi apparatus is in the form of discrete ring‐ and half‐ring‐shaped bodies and remains so during all stages of secretion. If it plays any rǒle in silk secretion, the fact has not been detected by the author.