Ultrasound, x-ray mammography, and histopathology of cystosarcoma phylloides.

Ultrasound and X-ray mammograms were obtained in 8 patients with palpable breast masses, which were subsequently proven to be cystosarcoma phylloides. Histopathologic examination of the 8 tumors showed benign cystosarcoma phylloides in 5, recurrent benign tumor in 1, coexistent invasive papillary carcinoma in 1, and coexistent in situ duct cancer and in situ lobular cancer in 1. A retrospective review of the B-scan images was undertaken to list the descriptive ultrasound features of cystosarcoma phylloides. The ultrasound findings included low-level internal echoes, smooth walls and good through transmission. The carcinomas were indistinguishable from the benign lesions, although ultrasound was able to distinguish the cytosarcoma phylloides lesions as predominantly solid lobulated masses.