Hexachlorophene Concentrations in the Blood of Operating Room Personnel

Concentration of hexachlorophene in the blood of operating room personnel who regularly scrub with hexachlorophene soap (Septisol) or hexachlorophene detergent (pHisoHex) was compared to levels in randomly chosen patients. Mean blood concentration of those scrubbing with hexachlorophene detergent was seven times that of the patients. The concentration of hexachlorophene among hexachlorophene soap users was twice the admission patient base line. The mean chronic hexachlorophene blood concentration among personnel using hexachlorophene detergent was one sixth, and among those using hexachlorophene soap was one twentieth of the mean threshold of 1.21 ppm reported to be associated with histopathologic changes in the brain of rats. Operating room personnel who scrub with hexachlorophene soap can expect to have significantly lower hemic concentrations of hexachlorophene than exist among individuals who scrub with hexachlorophene detergent.

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