Kinetic Energy Distribution ofH(2p)Atoms from Dissociative Excitation ofH2

The kinetic energy distribution of H(2p) atoms resulting from electron impact dissociation of H2 has been measured for the first time with uv spectroscopy. A high resolution uv spectrometer was used for the measurement of the H Lymanα emission line profiles at 20 and 100 eV electron impact energies. Analysis of the deconvolved 100 eV line profile reveals the existence of a narrow line peak and a broad pedestal base. Slow H(2p) atoms with peak energy near 80 meV produce the peak profile, which is nearly independent of impact energy. The wings of H Lymanα arise from dissociative excitation of a series of doubly excited Q1 and Q2 states, which define the core orbitals. The fast atom energy distribution peaks at 4 eV.