Stoffwechselveränderungen in Erythrozyten bei der autoimmunen hämolytischen Krankheit

In patients with autoimmune hemolytic disease in various stages of development, glycolysis, cellular respiration in the presence of methylene blue, ATP, ADP, 2 : 3-diphosphoglycerate and inorganic phosphate content, stability of reduced glutathione, and G-6-PDH, acetylcholinesterase and acid phosphatase activity were determined in the red blood cells. In those with hyperhemolysis and increased reticulocyte count significantly higher levels of G-6-PDH and acid phosphatase activity and respiration in the presence of methylene blue were found. Patients with a positive antiglobulin test showed reduced acetylcholinesterase activity, regardless of whether or not they presented hyperhemolysis.