Evidence from both human and animal studies indicates that catecholamine (dopamine and noradrenaline) imbalances in the fronto-striatal circuitry are associated with deficits in higher- order cognitive functions. The present study examined how cat- echolamines within this circuitry modulate attentional function, specifically the ability to develop, maintain, and shift an attentional set. Catecholamine depletions within the frontal cortex of the common marmoset impaired the ability to acquire an attentional set, and increased susceptibility to distraction from task-irrelevant stimuli. Analysis of set-shifting performance with stimulus dimen- sions of varying salience suggested that frontal catecholamine depletion selectively disrupts ‘top-down’, but not ‘bottom-up’ attentional processing. In contrast, the ability to acquire and shift an attentional set remained intact following dopaminergic depletion from the caudate nucleus. However, the reduced susceptibility to distraction from task-irrelevant stimuli displayed by monkeys with dopaminergic depletions of the caudate nucleus suggests that responding was under more rigid control by the currently rewarded stimulus. The results demonstrate opposite behavioural effects of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions in the frontal cortex and caudate nucleus in tasks requiring selective attention. Frontal catecholamine depletion caused an increase in distractibility while caudate dopamine loss induced greater focusing of responding.