Infrared spectrum of the overtone band 2ν5 of the hydrogen bonded complex HCN---HF

The infrared spectrum of the overtone of the ‘‘intramolecular’’ bending vibration 2ν05 of the hydrogen bonded complex HCN‐‐‐HF centered at 1437.539 91(24) cm1 has been obtained with a resolution of 0.006 cm1. Line assignments for this band as well as two hot bands 2ν0517−ν17 and 2ν05 +2ν27−2ν27 have been made, and rotational constants for all the levels involved have been determined. Despite the fact that the higher J energy levels of the observed lines of 2ν05 are above the dissociation energy of the complex, no predissociative line broadening is apparent.