Adaptive Modeling, Identification, and Control of Dynamic Structural Systems. II: Applications

Recently developed adaptive methods for modeling, identification, and control are now being successfully used in various branches of science and engineering. These methods present significant advantages over the classical methods, e.g., they can remove the noise from the signal over the whole frequency band, they can track time‐varying characteristics of systems, and they make it possible to control unknown systems. In this paper, five examples for the application of adaptive modeling, identification, and control techniques in structural dynamics are presented. The examples are as follows: (1) Identification of a time‐varying simulated system; (2) identification of a building with soil‐structure interaction by using earthquake vibration recordings; (3) identification of a building with nonlinear vibrations by using earthquake vibration recordings; (4) adaptive control of a simulated system; and (5) adaptive control of ambient vibrations of a building. Prior to examples, methods for preprocessing the data are outlined. The paper is the second of two companion papers. The theory pertinent to examples is given in the first paper.