Transfer of Streptococcus adjacens and Streptococcus defectivus to Abiotrophia gen. nov. as Abiotrophia adiacens comb. nov. and Abiotrophia defectiva comb. nov., Respectively
We performed this study to determine the 16S rRNA sequences of the type strains of Streptococcus adjacens and Streptococcus defectivus and to calculate the phylogenetic distances between these two nutritionally variant streptococci (NVS) and other members of the genus Streptococcus. S. adjacens and S. defectivus belonged to one cluster, but this cluster was not closely related to other streptococcal species. A comparative analysis of the sequences of these organisms and other low-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria revealed that the two NVS species formed a distinct cluster and were only remotely related to the Aerococcus and Carnobacterium clusters. The highest level of homology (93.7%) was found between S. adjacens and Carnobacterium divergens. Carnobacterium species have meso-diaminopimelic acid in their cell walls, but S. adjacens and S. defectivus have L-lysine as the diamino acid at position 3 in their peptidoglycan tetrapeptides. On the basis of our findings and the results of previous phenotypic studies, we propose that the NVS species should be placed in a new genus, the genus Abiotrophia, as Abiotrophia adiacens comb. nov. and Abiotrophia defectiva comb. nov.