The nomenclature of pituitary and parapituitary lesions needs revision. In the first place, the term pituitary should be accepted and that of hypophysis discarded, orvice versa. Since the term pituitary, derived from the rootpituita, or phlegm, was adopted by the ancients because the structure was believed to supply the mucous secretion to the nasal membrane, we suggest abandoning it and accepting the alternate term hypophysis. There is general acceptance of the terms applied to the component parts of the hypophysis, namely, the pars anterior, pars intermedia and pars posterior, although Tilney proposed that the pars anterior be called the pituitary gland and the pars posterior (the neural lobe) the processus infundibuli. However, this communication does not concern the hypophysis itself but the parahypophyseal lesions, which are commonly called tumors of Rathke's pouch and craniopharyngeal tumors or craniopharyngiomas. But these last two terms, as Tilney says,1are unquestionably