Let Rnmbe the number of linearly separable n-argument functions specified on some m points of the n-cube. Let R̄nmand Ṟnmbe, respectively, the minimum and maximum values attained over all choices of the m points. It is known that R̄nmn/n!. 1) Two published "simplifications" of the argument which establish this upper bound are shown to be fallacious. 2) It is proved that Ṟnm≥4m(lg m−1)/2. 3) It is proved that if m is less than exponential in n, then as n→∞, R̄nm≈(m/n)n + lower order terms. 4) Let Lnmbe the maximum number of threshold gates needed to realize an arbitrary n-argument switching function specified on m points. It is shown that Lnm≳2(m/lg m)1/2.

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