A disease in wild living roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) caused by acid-fast bacteria is described. The morphological and cultural properties of these bacteria agree closely with corresponding properties of Mycobact. johnei. Enlarged lymph nodes, especially mesenteric lymph nodes with greyish-yellow necroses, were the most prominent macroscopic lesions. No intestinal lesions were present. The histopathological picture of the lymph nodes resembled mostly lesions which can occur in paratuberculous sheep and goats. The epithelioid cells contained masses of acid-fast bacteria. Such rods were also demonstrated in the intestinal villi. The acid-fast bacteria could be isolated from the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleens, bone marrow, mammary gland and also from the lymph nodes of other organs. The organism did not produce tuberculosis in guinea pigs. Intravenous injections into hens and rabbits resulted in miliary nodules resembling those of tuberculosis in the livers and spleens of the hens, and in joint and tendon sheath lesions in the rabbits. Microscopically the lesions mostly resembled those in paratuberculosis. One of the strains which was inoculated intravenously into two calves caused no lesions. The results of the allergy tests and serological blood tests in one animal indicate that infection with Mycobact. johnei cannot be excluded. A goat which was inoculated in the same manner and with the same strain as the calves died after six weeks. Miliary epithelioid cell granulomas in the liver, spleen, kidneys, bone marrow of long bones and in the submucosa of the ileum, as well as patchy infiltration of epithelioid cells in, among others, the mesenteric lymph nodes were observed on microscopic examinations. By intravenous infection the disease could be reproduced in a roe deer (fawn) (Gapreolus capreolus L.). The animal died nine weeks after the infection, and during the last two days before death it had a profuse diarrhoea. Masses of short acid-fast bacteria in clumps were present in the faeces. Nor in the experimental animal did macroscopic intestinal lesions occur. Enlarged villi infiltrated with epithelioid cells containing acid-fast bacteria were demonstrated by histological examination. The acid-fast bacteria could be recovered, but only on the Taylor/ Finlayson medium, from all experimental animals except the guinea pigs. Concerning the experimental calves, acid-fast bacteria were recovered from only one of them and then nearly three years after the infection. The acid-fast bacteria did not reduce nitrate. They showed positive neutral red reactions and were sensitive to isoniazid in a concentration of 2.5 µg per ml medium after three weeks’ incubation. The possibility that the isolated acid-fast bacteria and the lesions caused by them might be avian tubercle bacilli and avian tuberculosis has been discussed by the author. He does not, however, find any relevant reason for such an assumption. The author considers that the bacteria and the lesions exhibit the greatest similarity to Mycobact. johnei and paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease). On account of the organism’s pathogenicity for hens and rabbits, and necroses in the course of the disease, the author suggests that these bacteria possibly constitute a variety of the classic bovine Mycobact. johnei, different from the pigmented and the Icelandic varieties.

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