The general availability to all clinical laboratories of assays of molecular markers of the hemostasis system now offers the clinician the opportunity to screen selected high-risk patients and potentially to offer therapy that will ward off a significant and often catastrophic event. In addition, these molecular markers permit a rapid differential diagnosis of many disorders that are often confusing and often difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate using the more traditional global screening tests of hemostasis. This short review has served only to point out the importance of these newly developed molecular markers of the hemostatic system and only selected disorders have been highlighted with respect to the ability of these molecular markers to aid in a prethrombohemorrhagic event and to aid in a specific differential diagnosis in certain selected thrombohemorrhagic disorders. It is anticipated that more experience with these molecular markers with more patient populations will most likely greatly expand their usefulness in a wide variety of thrombohemorrhagic disorders, thus leading to enhanced medical care for patients.

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