Low-temperature incommensurate-commensurate phase sequence of (C3H7ND3)2MnCl4

The perovskite-type layer-structure compound (C3 H7 ND3 )2 MnCl4 [bis-(propylammon ium)manganese tetrachloride (PAMC)] exhibits an extraordinary rich structural phase sequence with six different phases (α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ), two of which (γ and ε) are incommensurately modulated. In this contribution we focus on the δ-ε-ζ sequence which shows a peculiar switching of the modulation wave vector from ((1/3+δ)a* to (a*±b*)/3. The study was performed by means of Cl35 nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) and deuteron and proton NMR, as well as elastic neutron scattering. It was possible to determine the rotational components of the polarization vector for the N-C bond. A microscopic model is proposed which takes couplings between lattice waves and fluctuations of the rotational disorder of the propyl-ammonium (PA) chains into account. The origin of the incommensurate modulation of the ε phase is the competition between the ND3 ordering in the Cl-octahedra cavities and the PA-chain packing due to van der Waals interactions. Because of intralayer short-range interactions via the hydrogen bonds the ND3 ordering is incompatible with a continuous incommensurate modulation. This leads to an additional symmetry breaking of the translational symmetry, which was observed in the NQR35 spectra. The complete ordering of the ND3 groups reduces the PA dynamics in such a way that the interlayer interaction through the PA chains changes sign, which leads to the switching of the wave vector.