Atrophie Gastritis and Its Sequelae

Siurala, M., Lehtola, J. & Ihamäki, T. Atrophic gastritis and its sequelae. Results of 19–23 years’ follow-up examinations. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1974, 9, 441–446. A total of 116 subjects with atrophic gastritis have been followed up. Two died of gastric carcinoma during the present follow-up period. Of them one case had already been diagnosed at an earlier re-examination. Thirty-six subjects were re-examined in 1973. Gastroscopy disclosed polypoid lesions in 6 cases (true adenomas 2, hyperplasias 3 and ‘inflammatory’ polyp D. Multiple direct vision gastric biopsy from the antrum and the body revealed that gastritic changes were somewhat more pronounced in the body than in the antrum. Moderate or severe epithelial atypia was present in 13 out of 35 biopsied cases. Parietal cell antibodies were found in 3 and intrinsic factor antibodies in an additional 2 cases. Serum gastrin values were above 75 pmol/1 in 24 out of the 35 cases, and in 1 out of 24 controls.