Surges in the size of adult populations of the flood-water mosquito Aedes albifasciatus can produce important economical losses because of the way this species irritates livestock. Although this species is also the main vector of west equine encephalitis in Argentina, little is known about the factors affecting its population dynamics, as it is difficult to obtain data on its abundance over a large area. However, the results of intensive study of the mosquito in a few sites might reasonably be extrapolated to a regional scale by the use of remotely sensed data. The adult, larval and pupal stages of Ae. albifasciatus were sampled at five field sites to the south of Mar Chiquita Lake, either once a month (during the dry, cold season) or once a fortnight (during the warm, rainy season), between August 1992 and April 1993. The measured abundance of adults or pre-adults and a meteorological coefficient useful for the estimation of larval abundance each showed significant correlation with various statistics derived from normalized-difference, vegetation indices (NDVI) calculated from satellite (NOAA-AVHRR) imagery. A linear discriminant analysis, using data on NDVI, rainfall and temperature, accurately identified periods with and without pre-adults. The satellite imagery was also useful in the estimation of larval abundance and consequently could be used to predict adult abundance 7 days in advance. Even though the satellite data employed have poor spatial resolution, their high temporal resolution makes them very useful in studies of the population dynamics of mosquitoes in general, at least once the relevant variables and their relationships with mosquito breeding and survival have been identified.

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