Palatini Formation of Modified Gravity with $\ln R$ Terms

  • 7 September 2003
Recently, corrections to the standard Einstein-Hilbert action are proposed to explain the current cosmic acceleration in stead of introducing dark energy. We discuss the Palatini formation of the modified gravity with a $\ln R$ term suggested by Nojiri and Odintsov. We show that in the Palatini form, the $\ln R$ gravity can drive a current exponential accelerated expansion and it reduces to the standard Friedmann evolution for high redshift region. We also discuss the equivalent scalar-tensor formation of the theory. We indicate that the $\ln R$ gravity may still have a conflict with electron-electron scattering experiment which stimulates us to pursue a more fundamental theory which can give the $\ln R$ gravity as an effective theory. Finally, we discuss a problem faced with the extension of the $\ln R$ gravity by adding $R^m$ terms.

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