TheDrosphila melanogasterspecies‐group, established by Sturtevant (1942) for fourteen species, is now known to contain 115 described species here divided into twelve named subgroups (including one newly proposed), as well as further undescribed species. Three of the species,melanogaster, simulansandananassae, are cosmopolitan; two others,kikkawaiandmalerkotliana, are widespread in the southern hemisphere, the latter apparently a recent introduction to South America. The greatest numbers of species otherwise occur in the Oriental region with smaller numbers in the Ethiopian, eastern Palaearctic and Australian regions and in several islands of the South Pacific.D.rajasekariandD.raychaudhuriiare synonymized withD.biamipes;also D.andamanensis Parshad &Singh is synonymized withD.andamanensisGupta & Raychaudhuri.